The second version of one of our favorite works here at the folktek labs, this one steeped in greater possibility - still almost entirely touch based. We've added a 12 part key section to control the touch plates and a very nasty filter to either grime up, liquify or subdue the sound. For more info on the original (version 2 is capable of everything the original is), see: these posts
Here are our three videos - this is the first attempt at play after the piece was finished:
Taking full advantage of having three Luminist Gardens around for a couple days prior to shipping out...Played by Arius Blaze, video by Big Pauper. Fancy new introduction to our videos with the sound design by Arius Blaze, utilizing strictly sounds by folktek works and the twisted video done by Big Pauper once again.. Enjoy!
Article in French written by Serlach (Which can be found here: Though the translation is crooked, it seems to be a well written piece of work basically giving praise and where this amazing sentence (translated) has been spotted; "Here everything is done by grinding buttons, using his hands on plates ultra-sensitive acoustic emanations Research terrorists"...We like that.
video featuring the garden via youtube: theau61 (go to channel for more videos) "Loop made with Folktek garden. Filtering and reverbe made with the Jomox T-resonator. Reproducing African Dance groove heard from the outside."
The Impressionist Drum scape III as spotted in its new home and played by Ether^ra. Many thanks for the support. More Ether^ra videos here: potterpaint2000
More on the Impressionist Drum Scape here: previous post
A different style of Time Machine for processing sound or as a standalone sound generator synth with magnetic patchbay/touchboard (for touch based synthesis), patchable keys and thousands of possibilities from the subtle to the extreme.
on the top, left to right; Impressionist drum scape II, Time Scape Wave Sequencer, Time Machine ver.4 on the bottom, left to right; Time Scape and Scape Sequencer, Modified omnichord (folkchord), magnetic bug
"The Folktek Time Scape with the Scape Sequencer as built, played, recorded and filmed and edited by Arius Blaze. The audio is multitracked, utilizing the standalone feedback for wave generation as well as processing a small portion of a mix by Dr Auratheft called "Nomads and Monades" (highly recomended). No cutting or further computer processing was done - just 4 tracks interwoven. The video is filmed as the audio is recorded and is perhaps a bit wildstyle with the editing but they seem to work well together. More info on the Time scape, Scape Sequencer and all other Folktek works at, and A new site will be up soon, but for now - enjoy!"
photos of the work being filmed - built on comission: